FDCP Channel to Showcase 4th Eddys Awards Night for Free on April 4

MANILA, PHILIPPINES, MARCH 24, 2021 — The best in Philippine Cinema from the past year will be recognized by the Society of Philippine Entertainment Editors (SPEEd) at the 4th Entertainment Editors’ Choice (Eddys) virtual awards night on April 4, Sunday. 


The Film Development Council of the Philippines (FDCP) through its Procurement, Bids and Awards Committee (PBAC) invites interested bidders to apply for eligibility and to bid for the Development of the FDCP Online Learning Portal and App.

Philippine Italian Association Presents 'Dante, Our Luck' Free Screening on March 25

MANILA, PHILIPPINES, MARCH 19, 2021 — After the success in 2019 of “Being Leonardo da Vinci, an Impossible Interview” by writer, producer, and actor Massimiliano Finazzer Flory, the Philippine Italian Association (PIA), Dante Alighieri Society in Manila (SDA), and Italian Chamber of Commerce in the Philippines (ICCPI), under the auspices of the Embassy of Italy in the Philippines, join forces with the Film Development Council of the Philippines (FDCP), National Library of the Philippines (NLP), and many other partners to present the latest production of Finazzer Flory’s production of Dante Alighieri and the “Divine Comedy” entitled “Dante Per Nostra Fortuna (Dante, Our Luck).” 

DTI, FDCP Lead Delegation to Córdoba-Philippines Film & TV Production Industry Roundtable and Networking

MANILA, PHILIPPINES, MARCH 16, 2021 — The Philippines and the Province of Córdoba in Argentina are joining forces to encourage cooperation between their film and audiovisual industries through the virtual Córdoba-Philippines Film & TV Production Industry Roundtable and Networking Event from March 17 to 18.

FDCP's FilmPhilippines Holds Free Producers' Workshops in Film Incentives

MANILA, PHILIPPINES, MARCH 15, 2021 — The FilmPhilippines Office (FPO), which is administered by the Film Development Council of the Philippines (FDCP), is offering filming incentives in three cycles this year in order to boost the local film and audiovisual industry and promote collaborations with international productions. 

Philippines Participates in Online Hong Kong FILMART and HAF 2021

MANILA, PHILIPPINES, MARCH 15, 2021 — It’s all systems go for the Film Development Council of the Philippines’ (FDCP) participation in the 25th Hong Kong International Film & TV Market (FILMART) and 19th Hong Kong-Asia Film Financing Forum (HAF) which will be returning to online platforms this year due to persisting restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

FDCP Channel Hosts Cine Filipina on National Women's Month

MANILA, PHILIPPINES, MARCH 12, 2021 — The Film Development Council of the Philippines (FDCP) celebrates National Women’s Month as it holds Cine Filipina this March.

House Special Committee Approves Proposed Film Philippines Act

MANILA, PHILIPPINES, MARCH 5, 2021 — The Special Committee on Creative Industry and Performing Arts of the House of Representatives approved on March 4 the substitute bill entitled “An Act Providing for the Promotion of Audiovisual Tourism, Creating the Film Philippines Office, Providing Funds Therefor and for Other Purposes.”