IATF to tackle arrival protocols, proposed cinema reopening

MANILA – Members of the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-EID) will meet Thursday afternoon to discuss the possible revisions to the arrival protocols for international travelers and the proposed reopening of cinemas in Metro Manila.

Dutch media eyes Palawan as next reality TV show location

MANILA – A Dutch reality TV show is looking at northern Palawan as its potential filming site this year, describing the country as "a one in a million location" for shooting all reality shows.

Italian cinemas to open at 100% capacity

Italian cinemas will be permitted to open at full capacity from Monday, October 11 following a new government ruling.  The new rules, which also apply to theatres, museums and concert halls, will require proof of vaccination and mask-wearing from attendees and apply to all regions labelled as white – which signifies that Covid is under control. Currently all regions in Italy are white, with none labelled yellow (at risk) or red (full lockdown required), although this will be reviewed on Monday.

Covid-19 jabs prevent hospitalizations, severe illness: WHO

GENEVA –  The World Health Organization (WHO) on Tuesday called on people to get coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) vaccines, saying 99 percent of Covid-19 deaths are among unvaccinated people.

‘Talking movies’ cinema club in China brings films to blind audiences

Every Saturday, Zhang Xinsheng travels two hours for a movie date with friends, navigating Beijing’s confusing subway system with his white cane and a speaking map that screams directions on his mobile phone.

FDCP champions 'edutainment'

When the pandemic hit early last year, one of the behaviors that drastically changed was how audiences consume content like film and TV shows. The pandemic-induced lockdowns left us searching the web for ways on how to entertain ourselves within the comfort of our homes. The closing of cinemas inevitably drove audiences to shift online, contributing to the fast rise of online streaming platforms.

Events and Activities

[EXTENDED] Call for Entries: CineIskool Film Lab and Festival - Deadline of Submission
We are now accepting entries for the CineIskool Film Lab and Festival, led by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and Unified Student Financial System for Tertiary Education (UNIFAST) in partnership with the Film Development Council of the Philippines (FDCP).

FDCP, CHED, UniFAST Open Call for Submission of Entries to CineIskool Short Film Lab

MANILA, PHILIPPINES, OCTOBER 8, 2021 (UPDATED) — The forged partnership between the Film Development Council of the Philippines (FDCP) with Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and its attached agency, the Unified Student Financial Assistance System for Tertiary Education (UniFAST), is holding a Call for Entries to the recently launched film project for beneficiaries of the Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education Act or Republic Act 10931.