FDCP's FilmPhilippines to Open 2021 with Cycle 1 of the FLIP, ICOF & ACOF Production Incentives with Reviewed Requirements and Easier Process

MANILA, PHILIPPINES, DECEMBER 28, 2020 (UPDATED) — The FilmPhilippines Office (FPO) of the Film Development Council of the Philippines (FDCP)

Aliw Awards Recognizes FDCP Chairperson Liza Diño for Woman Empowerment

MANILA, PHILIPPINES, DECEMBER 23, 2020 — As a beacon of strength, passion, and perseverance in government service and the film and audiovisual industry

FDCP's FilmPhilippines to Jumpstart 2021 with a New Film Incentive — the ASEAN Co-production Fund

MANILA, PHILIPPINES, DECEMBER 14, 2020 — In order to support partnerships between the Philippines and fellow member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations

Pista ng Pelikulang Pilipino Announces Nominees, #PPP4SamaAll Awards Night on Dec. 12

MANILA, PHILIPPINES, DECEMBER 7, 2020 (2nd UPDATE) — Nine out of the 13 films from the Premium Selection Section of the 4th Pista ng Pelikulang Pilipino


FDCP Film Talks designed for aspiring, emerging filmmakers and other audiences who want to learn more about filmmaking with leading film personalities as mentors sharing the latest on the craft,  the years of experience, best practices, techniques, and insider knowledge straight from the industry masters.

This is in partnership with local festivals supported by the Festival Development Assistance Program (FDAP).

With House Approval of Eddie Garcia Bill, Filipino Film, TV & Radio Workers are One Step Closer to Having Safer Workplaces

MANILA, PHILIPPINES, DECEMBER 2, 2020 — On November 24, 2020, the House of Representatives unanimously approved on third and final reading the proposed Eddie Garcia Act or House Bill (HB) No. 7762